“The Wolfman” Plot: A family at a remote farmhouse is attacked by an unseen animal, but as the night stretches on, the father, Blake (Christopher Abbott) begins to transform into something unrecognizable.
Report Card Grade & Review
O’ Thou Wolfman …Where It All Began
I cannot say that I had such high expectations for the film because I would be lying to you all. I went into this movie with very low to average expectations, hoping to be either pleasantly surprised or given a jolt of suspense and adrenaline. Instead, I found it to be disappointing, aligning with my initial low expectations. Just because the director had previous successes with films centered around Wolfman doesn’t guarantee this one would follow suit. Unfortunately, the movie fell flat, and I wouldn’t recommend rushing out to see it. Trust me.
The Transformation from Blake to Wolf
Is the movie very predictable? Not initially, but about halfway through, it became clear to me what was going to happen. I will admit that I had my doubts at times; I would think one thing, then change my mind and say, “No, this might happen instead.” Those moments of uncertainty crept in, leading to a back-and-forth struggle within myself as I tried to figure things out. Just when I thought I had it all figured out, I didn’t.
As Blake grapples with his transformation, he becomes increasingly attuned to his wolf instincts, yet he manages to resist the urge to attack his family. I found myself wondering why that was the case.
The Wolfman Comes Fourth!
The film fails to clarify why Blake was cursed to become a wolf. While it does reveal who is responsible for turning humans into Wolfmen, it leaves a crucial question unanswered: where did this curse originate? Was this particular individual behind it all along, or was Blake deliberately targeted? The film begins and ends in the same manner, but the conclusion introduces a sentimental twist that demands interpretation. Viewing it from this angle is essential, as it is the only way to fully grasp the narrative.
Charlotte The Mother & Ginger The Daughter
If I were in either of their shoes as mother and/or daughter and being trapped with wolves coming at me left and right with my child and trying to protect her; and my very own loved one/companion is infected and I suspect they are transforming into a wolf as well and are gnawing their foot and arm off; maintaining my composure and wanting to save him and protect my daughter would be too much to handle.
How Would Help If You Were In This Movie or Situation?
So basically, a Saturday afternoon on the couch kinda movie???
Honestly & directly, yup!